How-to bash
Put files and directory rights to default values
find ../492A-5B6E/ \( -type f -execdir chmod 644 {} \; \) -o \( -type d -execdir chmod 755 {} \; \)
Basic find command search
find where_to_search/ -name name_directory -type d
Look (grep) for utf8 characters in files
grep --color='auto' -P -n "[\x80-\xFF]" file
Rename files (extensions)
rename 's/\.cxx$/.cpp/' *.cxx
Idem inside the text (like “includes” in C++)
grep -rl '\.cxx' ./ | xargs sed -i 's/\.cxx/\.cpp/g'
Find top directories with a size above a given threshold (e.g. 1Gb)
du -h -d1 --threshold=1G * | sort -h
Copy with a progression bar (and more)
rsync -av --delete-after --stats --progress to_save/ rep_where_to_save/
The options are:
for recursive-v
for verbose--delete-after
to remove everything in “rep_where_to_sauv/” that is not present in “to_save/”--stats
to show lots of information (not essential)--progress
to show a progression bar
Vim command to search and replace in several files
:args *.cpp *.h
:bufdo %s/pattern/replace/g | update
:args *.cpp *.h
:bufdo execute "normal! gg" | :call Myfunction() | execute "normal! gg=G" | execute "normal! gg" | w
Generate public and private ssh keys
ssh-keygen -t rsa
Give a name like “id_rsa_foo” and you get two files:
- id_rsa_foo –> private key
- –> public key
Then copy the public key on the remote machine:
scp username@remotemachine:/home/username/.ssh/
Add the key to the authorized host file:
cat >> authorized_hosts
Make a config file for ssh
In .ssh/, create a file named “config” and add a profile to make it easy to connect via ssh.
Host remMach
HostName remoteMachineName
User username
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_foo
ProxyCommand ssh remoteMachineName nc %h %p
Or even simpler depending on the case:
Host remMach
User username
PubkeyAuthentication no
Then to connect instead of:
scp -r .
one can use:
ssh username@remMach
scp -r username@remMach:/mnt/home/username/dir/ .
Create a torrent file
transmission-create -o ~/torrent_name.torrent -t udp:// -t udp:// -t udp:// -p -c "comment"
Different tracker addresses can be used, but beware what you share.
Download a website
wget -r -l5 -k -E ""
Add the option -c
to restart an incomplete download, or the option -np
to avoid going up the directory tree to download a single page.
Open a Jupyter notebook on MacOS
Install Jupyter using Homebrew, then:
jupyter notebook [location] &